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Englisch C1

Studierende werden an der HFWbern.ch im regulären Englischkurs auf das IELTS Niveau B2 vorbereitet. Für Studierende, die ein hohes Einstiegsniveau oder bereits ein Englisch Diplom (B2 oder höher) mitbringen, bieten wir die Möglichkeit, das IELTS auf Niveau C1 zu absolvieren.

Aktuelle HFWbern.ch-Studierende haben Vorrang, ehemalige Studierende werden nach dem Prinzip «first come – first serve» zugelassen.

Auskünfte & Beratung


+41 31 380 30 30

Laureta Maqkaj
Renate Müller
Nadine Seewer
Jacqueline Bosshard
Michèle Steffen

Angebot im Detail

Lerninhalte & Prüfungen


Four main skills

Refresh all four English-language skills in preparation for the IELTS Academic test. The IELTS Academic test is made up of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. It features vocabulary that is common within an academic setting.


The paper has four parts, with ten questions in each part. The questions are in the same order as the information in the recording, so the answer to the first question will be before the answer to the second question, and so on.

Academic Reading

Texts come from books, journals, magazines, newspapers and online resources, written for a non-specialist audience. The texts may be written in different styles, for example, narrative, descriptive or discursive/argumentative. At least one text contains detailed logical argument. Texts may also contain diagrams, graphs or illustrations. If texts use technical vocabulary, then a simple dictionary definition is provided.

Academic Writing

There are two Writing tasks which both must be completed. In Task 1, you have to describe some visual information in your own words (a graph, table, chart or diagram). You need to write at least 150 words in about 20 minutes. In Task 2, you are given a point of view, argument or problem which you need to discuss. You need to write at least 250 words in about 40 minutes.


The Speaking test is a face-to-face interview between the test taker and an examiner. The Speaking test is recorded. There are three parts to the test, and each part follows a specific pattern of tasks in order to test your speaking ability in different ways.

Dauer und Unterrichtstage

Dauer: 10x4 Lektionen

Durchführungsdaten und -zeiten: siehe unten


Jeweils im Herbst (Oktober oder November).

Rund um den Unterricht


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) auf Stufe C1 im European Framework of References.

Kosten und Finanzierung

Vorzugspreis für ehemalige HFWbern.ch-Studierende: CHF 990.-, exkl. Lehrmittel und Prüfungsgebühren.

Für aktive HFWbern.ch-Studierende ist der Kurs kostenlos.